All that I can say is "Here I go again"! The porch is full with scrap pieces cut off from last years walking sticks that I just couldn't bring myself to throw away or burn in the pot belly so another folk-like character is currently in the process of coming to life. The wood I'm using is the same used in the previous carvings which is dried rhododendron.

So far I've sketched out what I think that an ear of corn looks like and begun removing some of the waste wood. All of this I did with just a basic jack knife and a "V"-parting tool. Not too much to see just yet but the next posting should have a face shaping up. Not sure exactly how I'm going to go about it at this point but when the knife is in one hand and the wood in the other hand, somehow things start coming together. I just hope that my corn don't start looking like a sweet pea but if it does I'll just have to adjust his name to Sweet Pea Pete!
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