On April 16-18 the Southern Region Section 7B of Order of the Arrow held it's largest event of the year at Camp Boddie which is nestled on the wild and wooded banks of Pamlico sound. All six lodges were represented bringing more than 1,200 Arrowmen and Brothers together for a very spirited weekend of competition, unique exhibits, patch trading, fellowship, and more hands-on opportunities than I've ever seen assembled in one place.
Conclave is the premier (and the largest) Order of the Arrow annual event of the year. It is also anticipated more than any other event which is usually held in the spring. Each year it rotates around the great state of North Carolina where all six Councils enjoy hosting this action packed weekend.
Next year I'm proud that the Old Hickory Council will be the host for the 2011 Conclave at our very own Camp Raven Knob in the cool North Carolina mountains. Only those Scouts and leaders who exemplify and best role model the Scout Oath and the Scout law in their daily lives can be chosen to attend. Order of the Arrow is the highest honor society in Scouting and truely is the best that America has to offer the future. These kids are the best of the best and continuously renew my faith in the next generation.
Right now I have only posted a few pictures from the event that mostly have to do with Scout spirit because that's what it was all about. Yes, there was a lot of competition for this years spirit award and I'm proud my Lodge 118 won that award for 2010. We were really pumped and showed almost immortal spirit and pride from sun-up to sun-down... and sometimes even more!
The theme for our Lodge was "Flashback to the 60's" so all of the pictures that you see of our fine upstanding citizen boys and leaders dressed like hippies are us. Also you might notice that I carved 11 of the peace-sign necklaces that some of those "hippies" are wearing for the Scouts and leaders that I traveled and camped with in Troops 529 and 561. I spotlighted those necklaces in this posting.
I will post a video of the event as soon as I can complete putting it together. Most of all I look forward to posting the hands-on opportunities provided at this years event which deserve their own individual spotlight. My favorite was the primitive woodworking station where the kids and leaders had a fantastic opportunity to make their own wood mallets or stools. Other stations that I will report on will include flint knapping, games, basketry, tomahawk throwing, blowgun shooting, music, Indian dancing, primitive cooking, and much more.
This morning I was informed that my youtube site
https://www.youtube.com/@MrDougStowe had reached the threshold for
receiving advertising revenue. Pleas...
1 week ago
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