This was a unique weekend because there was an unannounced Ordeal going on at the same time where 4 new candidates were participating in a 24 hour ordeal to be Arrowmen in the OA. As seen in the picture to the left, today I just completed decorating the arrow worn by one new Arrowman which I hope will be a long-time memento as he grows into a man during the coming years. If he can somehow hang on to it for 40 or 50 years, one day it will have significant meaning in a way unexpected far down his path in life. I woodburned his name and date of the Ordeal on the rear side of the arrow so that he'll never forget and I'm anxious to present it to him in a couple of weeks.

The picture to the right was taken just after the OA ceremony and if you look closely, the wood arrow that was worn during the 24 hour Ordeal is hanging around the neck of the new Arrowman in the center. If you're wondering why he's wearing a buffalo head dress then take a look at the other pictures just below.
The Indian on the left decided that it would be a great picture if the Scout was wearing his head dress so he put it right on his head and what a great picture that this will be for his scrap book! Although the ceremony where a Scout transitions into Order of the Arrow is quite secret, I can assure you that it's very impressive. The ceremony is usually held at a special spot deep in the woods but due to a violent hail storm this afternoon, we had to move it inside near a fireplace "campfire".
Throughout the weekend we had a great time of fellowship and cheerful service as Arrowmen worked together in cheerful service to prepare Camp Raven Knob for the 2010 session of summer camp. The various chapters worked together in groups and in competition to set up the most tents.
It was like a well oiled machine as gear lines formed naturally to shuttle beds, mattresses, and tents into their proper place. A lot of laughter, jokes, songs, and highly spirited attitudes from everyone made the day a fantastic experience to remember.
Normally at spring fellowship there is a carnival that afternoon but a very dangerous hail storm kept everyone safely confined in their campsites. By 8:00p.m. the storm had passed and everyone met in the dining hall until near midnight for a CrackerBarrell which included good food, fun, patch trading, and as you can see in the picture to the left, Native American dancing is always a highlight.
Camp is now set for a successful summer session and Wahissa Lodge has gladly done their part again.
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