WIP= "Work in Progress"
The totem pole is now painted, finished, and sitting on somebody's table. The only thing not showing in the picture to the left is the brass plate of recognition attached to the stand. I wasn't there for the presentation but was told that it was well received.
I used watered down acrylics for the paints, however all of the wood-colored areas is an oil based honey brown stain. After the painting was finished I sealed the entire pole with acrylic sealer, applied an antique wash of burnt umber, then lightly sanded it to accentuate the carving thus giving it a more hand-made look. The final sealer was a hand rubbed application of polyurethane.
Once again, from the top down is the eagle, raven, frog, beaver, and the bear. If you'd like to catch up on the carving of this table totem, then check out these links from previous postings:

Dave, that Totem turned out really, really good! I love it! Will you do another one?
Yes, I've already started another totem but this one is only about a foot tall. I'll post some updates soon. Thanks for asking and glad that you like it!