Each year the Order of the Arrow Wahissa Lodge 118 (Boy Scouts of America) holds two Ordeals for new candidates to be considered for membership. This last weekend was the second and final Ordeal for 2009 and there were about 65 candidates who became new members. In another 10 months of continued service in their troop, active participation in the Order, and upon completing several other challenges they (we) will then have the opportunity to bring our membership "full-circle" thus progressing from Arrowmen to the Brotherhood.
Membership in the Order has it's privileges such as being welcomed to all the yearly events which consist of service to others combined with a lot of fun camaraderie among brothers, and probably more fun than anyone could imagine.
During the final ceremonies at this Ordeal I was also proud to wear my first neckerchief slide. I was determined to wear it this week so I started it last Monday and finished it just in time last Thursday.
It is a small totem pole boasting a bear, frog, fox, and a bald eagle towering proudly on top. As you can see in the pictures to the left it is very small at only 3" tall and a wing spread of 2".
When the carving was finished I attached the wings into a carved notch with wood glue and a small dowel rod. As you can imagine it was all very delicate work which required a lot of focus and careful handling but using basswood made the work both enjoyable and successful. The slide got a LOT of compliments at the Ordeal so I'm now working on a lot of other new ideals for neckerchief slides. What a great week!
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