I knew that at some point it just had to happen... it was inevitable because after all, snow does melt. Yes, the great and grand snowman produced by the blizzard of 2009 and posted here is now (almost) gone.
From the pictures (see above) that I took this afternoon you can see all that's left is just a snippet of snowy ice. It's hard to believe that this tiny few particles of white ice is all that's left from my snowman that must have had hundreds and hundreds of pounds of snow pounded into life just a month ago today. Just amazing that it's now reduced to not even enough ice for a glass of iced-tea. So sad.
Also you can see that I decided to leave all of his wooden arms, eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, and pipe on the ground right where they fell and out of respect they will remain on the ground one more night until his entire body is finally gone and returned to the good earth.
I will miss you good man... R.I.P. - December 18, 2009 - January 18, 2010
This morning I was informed that my youtube site
https://www.youtube.com/@MrDougStowe had reached the threshold for
receiving advertising revenue. Pleas...
1 week ago
Wow! your snow is melting fast. Ours is as well here in Michigan. No snowman here to mourn if the snow goes away, Just the joy of not having to shovel. Great looking snowman BTW.
ReplyDeleteaww.. Farewell our Snowman Friend. Save all the pieces and be ready for making a new friend in another snowfall. Just call it your snowman kit..just add snow. *smile*
ReplyDeleteI wish our grass was showing. Still knee deep in places around here. And a few more storms coming at us starting tonight.