In the woodshop we go through quite a bit of wood through out the year and something in me dies whenever I have to burn it up into thin air via the fire barrel just to get rid of it. Those scraps are bone dry and make excellent kindling for starting up the wood heater so I use as much as I can for doing just that. In addition to generating btu's such practice also produces a very gratifying sense of satisfaction and resourcefulness when I know that wood isn't being wasted. I manage to save some of that scrap wood but not all of it.
Just this afternoon I brought in another bag of the woodshop scraps for starting a fire that would get me through another frigid Carolina mountain night. This particular bag held scraps from more than a year ago and I paused before offering it's sacrifice to my warmth. In the bag I broke a smile when I found a myriad of familiar objects that rekindled a lot of fond woodshop memories.
As the picture to the right shows I found a canoe, a piece of a nameplate, a couple of mini-basketball goals, a motor boat, an African mask, and a flag that was intended for a small boat. I could easily write a book on these unfinished woodshop projects but these were projects that for one reason or another never got finished. While some of them just never met the quality standard that we have, others might not have been finished because a board got ripped beyond repair as young hands were learning about the limits of stress upon the grain of wood.

Those scrap pieces of wood represent a lot of hours spent learning something about wood AND something about ourselves in the woodshop. And now I hesitated to put them in the stove but finally my cold fingers convinced me that I was gonna have to do it. My fire is now pumping out heat and I am warm but just seeing those scrap pieces from a shop class long ago warmed up a part of my soul from a time now gone and I know that I'll sleep good tonight... even when the temperatures outside might be in the teens.
Dave, Your story is one I can relate to. I burn all of my "misfit carvings" eitgher because I'm embarassed to have them lying around, or because they just take up space and I can't keep them any longer. Each one was a learning experience that gets me closer to being a master carver. Wood is a wonderful thing! Besides the tree providing O2 for us to breath, after it dies or is harvested, it continues to be of use to us in the form or houses, furniture, carvings, and even after that...Firewood to keep us warm! Three uses from the same source before it is completely lost to nature. And I believe it is better to burn it up than to clutter landfills or public land with it simply left to rot. My Grandfater worked at a furniture factory and woudl bring these little slivers, cuttoffs, and scraps home to tinker with. He would say, " We can alwasy just burn it!" After 45 years and 5 moves later...My father finally did just that! My father: " I've moved this crap way too many times, and I won't move it again!" Luckily I got several pieces that were carvable out of there before they met their end. (The rest was pretty much crap lumber in the end)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the story on your grandfather and glad that your father saved a few pieces of his stash. Perhaps we might be related somewhere down the line because your Grandfather describes me to a "T". I'm always collecting odd pieces of wood and I have them stashed, stacked, and stuffed in just about every room in the shed, the pump house, and the house. So far there's none stored in the bathroom but it's getting close because it's now under my bed. "My name is Dave and I'm a wood-aholic" and hope that I don't need help.